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Opportunities to Experience the Diamond Approach.
Please check back here regularly for updates.
May Retreat: Being a Real Person of Presence
May 28 to June 1
Our usual sense of being a person is a collection of ideas, images, and stories about who we are. This is the person of ego. In order be a person of Presence, our sense of who we are can’t be based on the ego’s stories or self images. But, the power of the ego is deep and subtle. To be a person of presence, we need to be able to recognize a state of Being that is untouched by the habits and beliefs of our familiar sense of self.
Come explore what it is to be a real person of presence on this Diamond Approach Retreat.
DA Philly is an ongoing group currently open to new students. All times are listed in Eastern Time (Philadelphia, PA, Time.)
If you have questions, or want to be sure to be informed about upcoming events, please email Carrie O'Brien .
2025 Retreat Dates:
Feb 20 to 23 Zoom
May 28 to June 1 Pendle Hill
Aug 14 to 17 Zoom
Oct 15 to 19 Pendle Hill

Individual Sessions
If you would like to further explore your interest in the Diamond Approach you can apply to work with a Diamond Approach teacher in individual spiritual insight sessions.
In private session work, you work one on one with a teacher to learn the Diamond Approach practice of Inquiry - an open ended exploration into the truth of your immediate experience. This can include psychological discernment, precise questioning, breath work, and body sensing practices. All of these processes support your unfolding discoveries about your inner nature and spiritual development. Your personal unfoldment arises naturally, spontaneously and uniquely in a way that is natural, spontaneous, and unique.
Please contact us to for more information on beginning private session work.